Monday, November 23, 2009

Art as a Mirror

Art is able to do many things. It can tell a story or be a mirror of society. Art is a mirror of society because what people choose to paint is what they think is important. When people paint something extremely important in real life, it shows that they care about real life events. Paintings are also able to paint a picture of someone in someone's mind. Art is able to show the real side of someone. It shows what they think about. If you look at art real closely then you can see if the artist used his brain or not while making the painting. Art can be thought about in many ways. Sometimes people who make paintings depict their feelings and not a lot about what they think is important. Art is also able to depict what is happening in the group of people. If something evil is painted in the painting then something bad is happening within the group. If something nice is painted in the painting then something good is happening within the group. Art is a key thing in everyone's life. It is especially important to tell stories and show the emotions or thoughts of a painter.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Myself in "The School of Athens"

The two men in the center of "The School of Athens" are the focal point in the painting. The focal point is the main part in the painting and the artist leads your attention to that exact spot. The two men in the painting are Plato and Aristotle. I feel more like Plato because he was a mathematician. I connected to him because I feel that one of my strongest subjects is Math and I am always trying to be the center of attention, like he is in the painting. Plato was also referred to as a very smart man. I find myself smart in some subjects but in others I still need some work on. In this painting you are able to see Plato teaching one of his students named Aristotle. I enjoy teaching people things or helping people out. It makes me feel good to teach someone something and it makes me stand out like the focal point in the painting.