Tuesday, February 2, 2010

No Title Story Blog

I would call this story "The Black Box" because most of the story was based on the black box. People were wondering what was inside and the story also described how it was a tradition for the people in the town to have that black box. I would also call it "The Black Box", because it created the most tension in the story which the writer wanted the reader to feel. In the end of the story I thought that everyone was going to be disappointed because nothing important was going to be inside that box which turned out quite true. The wife of the person that won the lottery wasn't happy because she thought all of this stuff was complete rubbish and when her husband won people had to hold her back because she was so angry. I didn't real feel that disappointed when the end of the story wasn't given to me because I thought that in class we read out the whole story together. I didn't really understand the story anyways. When I was handed the mystery paper I felt excited because I wanted to really know what was inside. I didn't know what was in it but I was guessing it was some prize if you got the black dot on your paper so I was jumping around when I got the black dot. I followed the instructions and I opened at 5pm during my sax lesson :P I wanted to feel good about myself by following instructions so I opened it at the right time. I was extremely happy when I got the black dot because like I said before I thought it was something good. I didn't really feel anything when I read the ending of the story because I expected the other part of the story to be the ending. My predictions were quite close except everyone wasn't disappointed only the wife was really angry. I think being able to understand the story more would have helped me in being able to predict what would have happened because then I could have known how each character could have reacted. The author left voids in this story so that the reader could be hooked into the story and then they wanted to read more. The writer never wants the reader to put away the story and just walk away. They want the reader to keep on reading until the end. Because there was no title in this story people weren't able to guess what was going to happen so they just had to read the whole story to figure out. Without there being an ending it got the reader to have to read to the end to find the answer to their question. I felt the void with the mystery paper but not with there being a delayed ending or having text clues throughout the story.

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