Sunday, March 14, 2010

Conflict for Peter

When Peter was forced into migrating to Kenya he was faced with many problems. He didn't only face problems in Kenya but also faced problems while migrating to America. He was named a "Lost Boy" because he had no parents while fleeing from his village back in Sudan. When Peter migrated to Houston, Texas it seemed fine for him at the start. After a while of staying in America he discovered how hard it actually was. He didn't know a lot of English when he entered America but after a while he was able to learn more and more. On the way to America, Peter didn't know what food he was being served on the plane since it was packaged and he never got packaged food before. He was also new to all the electrical appliances they used in America like the stove and the sink. He didn't know how to work the stove and how to clean out food in the sink. Some people were also prejudice in America against the black people. The lady in WalMart said that they should be used to working out in the heat. They were also forced to work so that they were able to make money in order to pay their own rent for the houses they lived in. They didn't know many of the rules in America so they just followed what they did back in Africa which was nothing serious back there. Another problem that Peter faced when he entered America was a culture difference which led him to culture shock. Back in Africa they did things differently than people did things in America. They had their different dances, songs and many other traditions. When they entered America people didn't do the same things. They didn't dance around or sing different songs. They were people that had something to do and they had not much free time to play around like what some people did in Africa. Life was harder for Peter in America because he had to keep himself busy to be like the other people. Peter enrolled himself in school to be well educated like many of the other people there. In America people had groups to be in during school and because Peter was new he didn't know many people and didn't have many groups to join. That changed when he started meeting new people and was able to join the Christian group with most of his friends from his school. The movie showed many conflicts Peter had to face while in America but it also showed how he was able to get over those conflicts by himself.

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